The college library building is spacious and beautiful with separate stack room, reading room, room for staff and librarian. The latest edition books of all subjects are available here. For new and innovative research in the field of agriculture and science, the library bears more than 30 journals and magazines. At present, more than 35 thousand books are available. In order to keep students, teacher’s updates from contemporary issues, college library has access to 15 national newspaper. PG departments have also separate departmental library in the college. Book bank scheme is also running for intelligent and poor students but preference is given to SC and ST students for uplifting of social status. Library has been computerized and connected with internet facilities to cope with recent developments.
Guidelines to Use Library Facilities:
1. Every student needs to have library card in order to avail the library services and facilities.
2. For issuance of library card students have to produce admission receipt, library membership application letter and college identity card before the head of the library.
3. Students will be issued maximum 2 books at a time.
4. Each student can have the books for maximum period of 14 days. Beyond this stipulated time limit student will be charged late fee at 1 rupee per day.
5. Student will have to submit the booklist of desirable books in which he/she want to get issued in advance to librarian.
6. Student will not be allowed to take magazine/Journals/ Newspaper to home.
7. Student will get appropriate punishment for the violation of library rules/Guidelines.
8. Onus of safety of the books will lies on the student, so they are advised to use it properly and returned it back to library on time.